What do Citizens Want from their Public Services Outside of office hours? - KPS

What do Citizens Want from their Public Services Outside of office hours?

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With a 24/7 open all hours style that the internet has generated and that people now expect.  What can local councils offer their Citizens by way of 24/7 access and what do Citizens want from accessing public services outside of office hours?

75% of Citizens want to access public services outside of working hours

According to reports from Socitm 75% of citizens want access to public services outside working hours within and across the UK, with reduced budgets the web is an obvious service delivery route that until now may not have been given the right level of attention.

Constant Access to Information

Knowledge Management IdeasProviding consistent and up-to-date information at the touch of a button that can be accessed around the clock, that doesn’t fall ill, require time off for weekends, bank holidays or two weeks away in the sun, technology wins over humans most of the time, on this front anyway!  There are the obvious glitches that happen now and again with server upgrades / internet issues or generally in the less developed countries there is the issue of electricity, but in the West we tend to be fairly luck around the constants of supply that we have all grown used to.

The Solution?

However, the web doesn’t mean that we don’t need human input, we can’t get away from the fact that we still need to have interactions between people and machines.  We need a set of experts either to prepare or maintain the systems that allow 24/7 access.  We still need experts to create the knowledge, whilst knowledge management can be organised by staff initially,  we can allow an intelligent knowledge management system like  to continue to learn what the public is searching for and what answer best matches their request.

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