Increase Productivity Within Your Organisation - KPS

Increase Productivity Within Your Organisation

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KPS Knowledge Capture

Creating time is obviously impossible but something that we would all love to do, especially when you are up against that deadline!  

There are ways that we can all work more efficiently or look to improve our own personal methodologies but when you are up against time scales then it becomes even more important to be able to find the information that you need to support your daily activities and increase productivity. 

How long do you spend searching for information from within?

Everyone talks these days about not having enough time.  With most employees spending on average about 45 minutes every day looking for something that their organisation already has, it would be great to be able to generate time for your employees and allow them to become frustration free when accessing information from within!  It is the organisation’s knowledge that employees need access to, regardless of what CMS tools or CRM systems you have in your organisation.

Maximising your Organisations applications to generate time

To maximise the productivity improvements across your workforce, you need to have the necessary tools available to ensure that they can find information, regardless of where it resides.  It is important to understand the value of important items of software / web applications that you and your colleagues need to be able to access information quickly, so sub second searches are important if not essential and vital for the organisation to increase efficiencies and productivity when looking to find things.

The retrieval of information, quickly is essential to improve both employee efficiencies and deliver enhanced customer services.  What we are actually talking about here is Knowledge Management, we all do it in our everyday lives but we don’t necessarily refer to the official term!

Increasing productivity easily with a Knowledge Management Strategy

First of all you will need a knowledge management strategy (there are more blogs to follow that will discuss this in more detail).  Once you have a strategy then it is important to work this into the everyday culture of your organisation, so that items are filed easily and can be retrieved quickly, even by other employees who may not know what you have called the document, finance sheet or presentation.  By having a knowledge management system you will therefore improve and increase productivity within your organisations and saving / generating time for others for their daily tasks.

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