Is Universal Knowledge available both SaaS and On Premise? - KPS

Is Universal Knowledge available both SaaS and On Premise?

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Yes, both models are supported.

Our on-premise Knowledge Management deployment option allows you and your IT department complete control over your Knowledge Management investment. An on-premise deployment can be implemented across multiple servers, virtual machines or even within your own cloud, making integrations with current systems a simple process, whilst also ensuring that your data is kept safe behind the measures of your company firewall. An on-premise Knowledge Management deployment is the ideal option for highly regulated industries and organisations such as financial or credit sectors. During implementation, our highly skilled technical team will scope your every need and help you to evaluate how best to deploy your on-premise Knowledge Management solutions.

Our cloud/SaaS Knowledge Management deployment is a safe, secure and easy way to implement Universal Knowledge and is perfect for operations such as within the contact centre where scaling up or down is a frequent process year round. Cloud offers a flexible and secure option for you and can be implemented within days with minimal effort required from your IT department.

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